Monday, January 31, 2011

2011 師大華語夏令營 2011 Mandarin Summer Camp NTNU

上課日期第一梯次: 2011 / 6 / 13 ~ 7 / 8

第二梯次: 2011 / 7 / 11 ~ 8 / 5
上課地點國立臺灣師範大學 國語教學中心
學費一期四週US$1,450 (NT$42,000)


線上申請(2/22~3/11)收到回覆信, 繳費傳真收據報名完成

(1) 線上申請:系統開放時間為台灣時間2011年2 月22日上午九點起至3月11日。完成線上申請後,螢幕會自動顯示您的申請序號,請務必記下您的申請序號以便至「報名進度」查詢。本課程僅接受線上報名,額滿為止(請參考常見問題之「報名事宜」第4題)。

(2) 收到回覆信,繳費:請檢查是否收到自動回覆電郵,並請依照回覆電郵之匯款資訊於7日內繳費。

(3) 傳真收據:傳真您的匯款收據至+886-2-2341-8431,請務必註明學童姓名及課程名稱「華語夏令營」。

(4) 報名完成:本中心收到您的收據傳真並確認收帳無誤後,將會盡快EMAIL您「報名完成確認通知」。請參考常見問題之「報名事宜」第7題






(5)為防止詐騙事件,請注意匯款資訊是由國語中心之信箱發出(,台幣受款戶名為「國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心」或 美金受款戶名 「National Taiwan Normal University 402U account」


要報名的小朋友, 名額有限, 要注意報名日期喲.  2011 師大華語夏令營的連結, 請按這裡.

Source: 師大華語夏令營 Mandarin Summer Camp NTNU

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chinese Learning Game - Zon

This appears to be an interesting game.  Click the picture below to enter.  Registration is required to play.

Zon is a multiplayer, online learning environment designed to teach Chinese language and culture through gameplay. As a web-based site, Zon provides real-time, on-demand connection to interactive learning activities and authentic cultural information.
Zon is a virtual environment where the community of Chinese language learners can connect, practice their language skills and learn about the Chinese culture. Participate in tutor sessions, live classes and practice one on one with other players. Every item in Zon has information attached, allowing you to explore culture and language at your own pace.

Learn Chinese, Play Zon!

Source: ZON Labs

Thursday, January 27, 2011

外婆的澎湖灣 Grandma's Penghu* Bay - 潘安邦

Source: YouTube 

Penghu main island and its recreation system includes Penghu Island, Zhongtun Island, Baisha Island and Xiyu Islet. In the late Ming and early Qing period Magong was an important center for cross-straits trade and became the administrative center.  The islands fortunes as a trading ceter may have faded but its hundreds of years of history have left it with many legendary stories and historic buildings, its narrow alleys oozing with simple warmth and the distrinctive local culture.


              Penghu National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


by Charles Swindoll

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  Attitude, to me is more important than facts.  It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.  It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.  It will make or break a company...a church...a home.  The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.  An so it is with you...we are in charge of our ATTITUDES."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ten Commandments of Human Relations

presented by "Mr. Enthusiasm!"

  1. SPEAK TO PEOPLE.  There is nothing so nice as a cheerful word of greeting.

  2. SMILE AT PEOPLE.  It takes 72 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile.

  3. CALL PEOPLE BY NAME.  The sweetest music to anyone's ears is the sound of his own name.

  4. BE FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL.  If you would have friends, be a friend.

  5. BE CORDIAL.  Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure.

  6. BE GENUINELY INTERESTED IN PEOPLE.  You can like almost everybody if you try.

  7. BE GENEROUS with praise-cautious with criticism.

  8. BE CONSIDERATE with the feelings of others.  There are usually three sides to a controversy; Yours,
      the other fellow's, and the right side.

  9. BE ALERT to give service.  What counts most in life is what we do for others.

10. ADD TO THIS a good sense of humor, a big dose of patience and a dash of humility, and you will be
      rewarded many-fold.

Source: Mr. Enthusiasm, Robert E. Criner
              Shareing A Vision
              PO Box 221, Medicine Park, OK 73557
              (580) 529-3052 Office
              (580) 357-3740 Fax

Saturday, January 22, 2011

弟子規 Rules for Children (三)

冬則温 夏則凊
冬则温 夏则凊
dōngzéwēn xiàzéqìng
In the winter you should make sure your parents stay warm, while in the summer you should make sure your parents stay cool.

晨則省 昏則定
晨则省 昏则定
chénzéxǐng hūnzédìng
You should say good morning to your parents after you wake up, and after you return home, you should tell your parents what happened while you were out, so as not to let them worry.

出必告 反必面
出必告 反必面
chūbìgào fǎnbìmiàn
When you go out, you should let your parents know where you are going. When you come home, you should let them know you're back, so as not to let them worry.

居有常 業無變
居有常 业无变
jūyǒucháng yèwúbiàn
Don't change the place where you live or the job you have often, so as not to let your parents worry.

播放聲音連結: 弟子規 (三)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

有趣的年曆 Interesting Calendar


Click on your birthday, your character profile will be shown.

Source: 中華人際協會 ... 小裘老師, 謝謝您的提供

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

春節 Spring Festival

(Traditional Chinese)
(Simplified Chinese)
Chūnjié (Pin Yin)
Chūnjié, shì nónglì zhēngyuè chūyī, yòu jiào yīnlì nián, súchēng “guònián”. Zhè shì wǒguó mínjiān zuì lóngzhòng, zuì rènào de yīgè chuántǒng jiérì. Chūnjié de lìshǐ hěn yōujiǔ, tā qǐyuán yú yīn shāng shíqí niántóu suì wěi de jìshén jì zǔ huódòng. Ànzhào wǒguó nónglì, zhēngyuè chūyī gǔ chēng yuán rì, yuán chén, yuán zhèng, yuán shuò, yuándàn děng, súchēng niánchū yī, dàole mínguó shíqí, gǎi yòng gōnglì, gōnglì de yī yuè yī rì chēng wèi yuándàn, bǎ nónglì de yī yuè yī Rì jiào chūnjié.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

弟子規 Rules for Children (二)

父母呼 應勿緩
父母呼 应勿缓
Fùmǔ hū yīng wù huǎn
When our parents call on us, we should answer without delay.

父母命 行勿懶
父母命 行勿懒
Fùmǔ mìng xíng wù lǎn
When our parents ask us to do something, we should not be lazy but do it immediately.

父母教 須敬聽
父母教 须敬听
Fùmǔ jiào xū jìng tīng
When our parents lecture us, we must take their words to heart.

父母責 須順承
父母责 须顺承
Fùmǔ zé xū shùn chéng
When our parents reproach us, we must follow their wishes.

播放聲音連結: 弟子規 (二)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

購物天堂 - 義大世界 Shopping Heaven - E-Da World

來...介紹一下台灣. 台灣的美, 台灣的好, 祇有去過的人才會知道.  這麼漂亮的度假購物天堂, 2010年12月18日正式開幕, 沒去過太可惜了.  雖然很遠很遠, 一定要找個機會(嗯...應該是藉口啦)去見識見識!

E-Da World - Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Source: YouTube, 義大世界

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Amazing Grace

To our recently fallen hero who sacrificed their life to save a child, to friends, to anyone whose spirit can use some comfort, some love, and some encouragement...

Source: YouTube

Saturday, January 8, 2011

弟子規的故事 Stories of Rules for Children

Click on " 閱讀更多 »" for twenty stories of Rules for Children ...

弟子規 Rules for Children (一)

弟子規          聖人訓
弟子规          圣人训 
dì zǐ guī          shèng rén xùn 
Rules for Children talks about the advices given by wise men from ancient times.

首孝悌          次謹信
首孝悌          次谨信
shǒu xiào tì     cì jǐn xìn
First, you must obey your parents, respect your older siblings, love your younger siblings, be careful in your speech, and keep your promise to others.

泛愛衆          而親仁  
泛爱众          而亲仁   
fàn ài zhòng    ér qīn rén 
You should have a generous love towards others, and try to befriend people with good manners.

有餘力          則學文
有余力          则学文
yǒu yú lì         zé xué wén
If you can do the above and still have energy left, you can proceed to study literature and other knowledge.

播放聲音連結: 弟子規 (一)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


萬芳醫師的 ...... 密招 !

下次感冒初起,不妨試試 !  無害
趕緊先喝兩、三杯熱開水(不可以喝冰的) 等三、五分鐘,



Source: Unknown ... 小裘老師, 謝謝您的提供

Monday, January 3, 2011

隔壁有賊 Thieves, Next Door

Source: YouTube

蠶寶寶的一生 Life of Silkworm

Source: YouTube

珍珍的太陽眼鏡 Zhēn-Zhēn's Sunglasses

Source: YouTube

沒有腳的姐姐 Legless Sister

Source: YouTube

我不是九官鳥 I am not a Myna Bird

Source: YouTube

家有布丁 Pudding at Home

Source: YouTube

垃圾回收我也會 Recyle, I Can

Source: YouTube

停水48小時 48 Hours without Water

Source: YouTube

博愛座 Courtesy Seats

Source: YouTube

不能說的秘密 The Secret

Source: YouTube

Sunday, January 2, 2011

阿拉丁神燈 Aladdin's Lamp

Source: YouTube

金銀島 Treasure Island

Source: YouTube

湯姆歷險記 Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Source: YouTube

小木偶奇遇記 Little Pinocchio

Source: YouTube

天鵝湖 Swan Lake

Source: YouTube

一寸法師 Tom Thumb

Source: YouTube

螞蟻與蟋蟀 Ants and the Grasshopper

Source: YouTube

兔子與貍貓 Rabbit and Raccoon Dog

Source: YouTube

國王的新衣 Emperor's New Clothes

Source: YouTube

龜兔賽跑 Tortoise and the Hare

Source: YouTube

賣火柴的女孩 Match Girl

Source: YouTube

稻草富翁的故事 The Story of Rich Straw

Source: YouTube

新年的傳說 The Legend of the New Year

Source: YouTube

老鼠與飯糰 Mice and Rice Balls

Source: YouTube

桃太郎 Peach Boy (Momotarō)

Source: YouTube

Momotarō (桃太郎?) is a popular hero from Japanese folklore. His name literally means Peach Tarō; as Tarō is a common Japanese boy's name, it is often translated as Peach Boy. Momotarō is also the title of various books, films, and other works that portray the tale of this hero.

Source: Wikipedia

Saturday, January 1, 2011

中華民國建國一百年 Happy Birthday, Republic of China!



Source 1: YouTube

Source 2: 中央廣播電台